Thursday, February 22, 2018

Brake fluid recommendations

Lately I keep seeing weak recommendations for brake fluid services. It’s clear that in order to make a recommendation to a customer in today’s business climate you need to respect the customer and can show that customer respect by thoroughly knowing and understanding what is being recommended. Here is a quick example that could be copy and pasted from any number of quick lube pamphlets or maintence chain propaganda.

Remember, brake fluid can attract moisture, which will corrode a variety of components. Brake fluid should be replaced once a year to keep calipers, hoses, and other parts in top operating condition

While not inherently false it does clearly display a lack of true understanding as to why brake fluid needs to be replaced. The choice of words signifies that the author only understands brake fluid as a one dimensional hydraulic fluid for force transfer. With an understanding of brake fluid enough to make a trusted recommendation you should have the minimum understanding of the multiple different characteristics engineered into brake fluid.

The first recommendation rewritten in a manor to better educate and provide a solid purposeful recommendation. 

Remember brake fluid is designed to attract and retain moisture (hygroscopic) which if it becomes fully saturated (3.7 percent according to DOT) can no longer protect components from the potential of corrosion. It is recommend to replace once it hits 2.0 percent which our trained technicians can test prior to recommending service using a hygroscopic brake fluid tester. In the northwest climate that usually equates to once per year but sometimes less do to heat cycles and usage. 

Presenting in this manner educates the customer to what is actually happening and why it needs to be replaced. Loyalty will surely grow from that additional trust. That customer will now know as soon as another location tries for a monetary based upsell and not a customer benefitted recommendation. Be the better shop.