Saturday, July 21, 2012

Toyota 24V V6 BG Induction service

2902 Induction service performed on a 3.0 24v toyota V6 with 230K on the clock.

Today I performed an induction service on a Toyota Camry that was recommended recently at a local dealer. The vehicle has 230K on the odometer and has served very well for the owners. This vehicle had some intake deposits but not a gross amount that i've grown accustomed to seeing with this kind of mileage. This vehicle receives oil changes and other services on time so that isn't so surprising. I used my scan tool to view vehicle data and everything looked in line and using information from here Scan Tool Info. I personally wouldn't have recommended the service at this time but it did make a difference. 

The throttle plate before.
Note the black carbon ring.

The throttle plate after.
Note the removal of the carbon and cleanliness of the plate

Inside the intake just beyond the plate.
Note the buildup on the walls, the deflector and the thin layer on the back of the plate

Note the buildup on the walls, the deflector and the thin layer on the back of the plate

Inside the intake just after the plate.

Note the the clean walls, deflector and the clean backside of the throttle plate

Note the backside of the plate and the visible casting seam minus deposits

Monday, July 16, 2012

Diesel Fuel info

This is a very informative diesel fuel video. Ideal for fleet managers, service managers and drivability techs. There is another diesel webinar titled Diesel trends Wednesday the 18th at 10am. I have a few invites out already, if interested email me and I'll send an invite your way.

Here are a couple of service videos starting with Diesel Injection,

And Induction.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Audi RS4 Valve deposit buildup/FSI service

Finally getting caught back up, this will be completed soon with pics and technical information from the areas leading RS4 tech.